He was known as the "father" of nuclear physics, pioneered the orbital theory of the atom, notably in his discovery of rutherford scattering off the nucleus with the gold foil experiment. (用核子武器的)先发制人的攻击他被称为核物理学之父,是原子轨函数说的先驱,最著名的成就是利用金箔试验分离出了核子。
Last day we looked at Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden and the experiment that they conducted on the gold foil. 昨天我们讲了卢瑟福,盖革,马斯登,以及他们在金箔上所做的实验。
In this paper has mainly diseased the invalidity of the Rutherford Scatter-ing formula at small angle, put forward the spreading of a particles stream and discussed it's influence to on the experiment and those of the many times scattering and the screen-ing by the electrons. 本文主要讨论了卢瑟福散射公式在小角下的不适用问题,提出了α粒于束的展宽问题,并讨论了它和多次散射以及电子屏蔽等因素对实验结果的影响;